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BEYKA Health recognises that our business activities have an impact on our employees, customers, communities and environment in which we operate therefore this document will detail our policy towards labour standards.
This policy is relevant to all parties in our supply chain in particular our manufacturers and suppliers.
BEYKA Health has applied this policy in anticipation of the requirements necessary to be a supplier to the NHS & HSE frameworks going forward.
BEYKA Health seeks to implement this LSAS policy, which is appropriate in nature and scale to the Company. This policy is based on internationally recognized standards set out in the NHS Supplier Code of Conduct and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Managing Risk
BEYKA Health has identified the following reasons to establish a comprehensive system of Minimum Labour Standard to guide its business operations and manage business risk.
Ethical Responsibilities: Iskus Health accepts its obligations to its employees, customers, communities and suppliers within our business activities and the importance of operating in an ethical manner.
Risk of Supply: BEYKA Health has identified that labour standards abuses in supply chains can pose a risk to the security of supply. Any supply chain partners perpetrating abuses face legal enforcement action which could damage business and obstruct continue of supply.
Adverse Publicity and Damage to Reputation: Discovery of labour standards abuse presents a reputation and structural risk to:
- Business income – customers may choose to purchase supplies and services from other sources.
- Loss of trust with customers and suppliers within the wider community.
- High staff turnover and new recruitment may be negatively affected as potential
employees may choose not to work for a company associated with any labour standards abuses, this could also lead to low morale in the work place.
Quality of Goods and Services: BEYKA Health is aware that there is a link between poor labour standards and poor quality of goods and services. Therefore, it is imperative that suppliers to Iskus Health adhere to the minimum standards at all times.
We have referred to the following resources while compiling the reasons documented above:-
UN’s Universal Decleration of Human Right, Ethical Trading Initative Base Code.
The following are minimum labour standards required;
Health & Safety: BEYKA Health recognise the importance and our duty to protect the workforce to ensure a safe and healthy workplace environment and to take effective steps to prevent potential accidents and injury to employee’s health by minimizing the risk to its employees. All employees will receive safety training during their employment. Employees will have access to clean toilet facilities and drinking water. The manager director has been assigned the task of health and safety policy duties.
Policy Review and Continual Improvements
BEYKA Health will review this policy periodically in line with LSAS policy and legislation changes, in order to ensure the adequacy, suitability and continuing effectiveness of the policy.
- Leadership
1.1 Leadership and Commitment
1.1.1 General
Beyka Ltd. top management performs the implementation, development and continuous improvement of the Management Systems in the following ways.
Beyka Ltd. continues to work in line with the Quality Management System understanding in order to increase customer satisfaction by informing all personnel of the importance and necessity of fulfilling customer demands as well as the relevant legislation in service provision activities.
Beyka Ltd. determines its policies and targets and announces it to the staff. Evaluates policies and targets at least once a year in Management Review meetings, takes the measures required by Management Systems and undertakes to provide the necessary resources.
Legislation and laws regarding Quality Management Systems within the Management Systems are implemented within the company.
Beyka Ltd. aims to implement this LSAS policy, whose structure and scale are suitable for the Company. This policy is based on internationally accepted standards set out in the NHS Supplier Code of Conduct and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Beyka Ltd. will review this policy periodically in line with LSAS policy and legislative changes in order to ensure the adequacy, compliance and continuous effectiveness of the policy.
Beyka Ltd. is aware that our business activities affect our employees, customers, communities and the environment in which we operate, so this document will detail our policy on labor standards.
This policy applies to all parties in our supply chain, especially our manufacturers and suppliers.
Beyka Ltd. has implemented this policy by anticipating the necessary requirements to become a supplier to NHS & HSE frameworks in the future.
- Support
2.1 Resources
2.1.1. General
The top management of Beyka Ltd. determines and provides the necessary resources to implement, maintain and improve the effectiveness of Management Systems, to meet customer needs and to increase satisfaction.
2.1.2 People
Beyka Ltd. has provided the necessary personnel for the effective operation and control of the management systems.
Child Labor: It cannot employ young people under the legal age of employment. If young workers are hired for work experience, appropriate controls will be made to ensure that they are not exposed to harmful conditions and the working day will be limited to 8 hours.
Forced or Compulsory Labor: Beyka Ltd. Şti will not participate in or support forced or compulsory labor. Employment is freely chosen and employees may leave freely with reasonable advance notice.
Health and Safety: Beyka Ltd. Accepts the importance and duty of protecting the workforce in order to provide a safe and healthy workplace environment and to take effective steps to prevent possible accidents and harm to the health of the employees by minimizing the risk to the employees. All employees will receive safety training during their employment. Employees will have access to clean toilet and drinking water. The executive director is assigned with health and safety policy duties.
Freedom of Association: Beyka Ltd. respects the right of employees to associate themselves with the association and agrees to abide by all prohibitions on this matter.
Discrimination: Beyka Ltd. prohibits any discrimination based on gender, marital status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, race, color, ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, disability, age, political opinion, union membership or any other legally protected status. Also, it does not discriminate on the basis of part-time status or ‘passed’ criminal convictions.
Discipline Practices: Beyka Ltd. promotes a work environment that does not contain harassment, physical and verbal abuse, and threat or intimidation of any recognition. Cruel or inhuman treatment is not allowed.
Working Hours and Fees: Beyka Ltd. complies with relevant national laws and regulations on working hours, wages and social rights. Our working hours do not exceed 48 hours a week, and our overtime hours do not exceed 12 hours a week.
2.2 Competence
Beyka Ltd. believes that increasing the quality and efficiency of products and services can only be provided by trained personnel, and performs and implements the necessary trainings according to the Training Plan.
- 07 Training Procedure
- 02 Annual Training Plan
2.3 Awareness
The procedures for the assignment of the personnel and the determination of the competence of the skills and experience that the personnel should have are made according to the PL.02 Annual Training Plan. The personnel with sufficient training required for each task are provided by training the existing personnel or by employing the personnel with the desired qualifications. The adequacy of the training provided for the personnel, the competence of the personnel in matters related to the task, the efficiency of the product or service are evaluated by the Management Representative in accordance with the Training Plan. The personnel are informed about the importance and appropriateness of their activities and the importance of their performance in achieving their goals through trainings. The staff contributes to the realization of quality targets with suggestions, meetings and reports. Studies about the training, skills and experiences of Beyka Ltd. employees are kept in their personal files.
- 07 Training Procedure
- 02 Annual Training Plan
2.4 Communication
Internal communication in BEYKA LTD.ŞTİ is defined in the Communication Procedure. Along with telephone, e-mail, correspondence, wall boards, brochures and written documents; meetings of executives related to their own units, annual evaluation meetings, annual Annual Reports and similar studies.
- 12 Communication Procedure
3.1 Control of Nonconforming Outputs
8.7.1 The Production Process Stages and the measurements made in the finished products are controlled through the project in order to verify that the specified conditions for the products are met by measuring, conducting and documenting the Production Process and finished products. The transactions performed in the order of work are controlled according to the Quality Plan. The first sample approval is given by the Production Manager.
If appropriate, the process continues or is stored as finished product.
If nonconformity is detected;
If it cannot be corrected immediately, the resulting unsuitable products are decided according to the “Control of Inconvenient Product Procedure” and sent to production to correct the error detected on the sample.
- 04 Procedure for Control of Nonconforming Product
- 05 Corrective Actions Procedure
- 00 Processes ( It starts from 01 and continues increasingly)
8.7.2 Beyka Ltd. meets this clause with the Procedure for Control of Inconvenient Product, which defines the nonconformity.
- Performance Evaluation
4.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis and Evaluation
4.1.1 General
Studies are carried out in Beyka Ltd. to measure the conformity of the products to the legislation and the expected conditions.
- Statistical methods regarding the products and services produced by each unit in measurement studies.
- Evaluation Meetings
- Evaluation Studies with Customers
To measure the compliance of the Management Systems carried out in our company;
- Internal Audit Studies
- External Audit Studies
- Evaluation Meetings
are held.
To continuously improve the effectiveness of Management Systems;
- Evaluation Meetings
- Data Analysis Studies
- Training Activities